Jungle Mural, new Laurie Children's Hospital, Chicago, Illinois. Completed 2012.
"Halutzim (pioneers) of Israel" mural, Congregation Bnai Tikvah, Deerfield, Illinois. painted circa 1997
Preliminary Artist's Studies for Lurie Children's Hospital Mural
The followingThe following artist's studies were submitted in early 2012 for consideration. Though the Jungle scene was ultimately the "winner", these pictures would be perfect for another juvenile mural.

Young artists at CAMP MACABEE, Bridgeton, Maine, admire their new mural, which we painted in July, 2011. CONTACT us if you are interested in this artistic group activity: [email protected].

Welcome to the Murals section! The composite collage to your left is a composite of several murals which you can see below....just move the cursor downwards. ENJOY!

" BIRTH of the BAND", a mural at the Officer Donald Marquez School, Chicago, IL. The music teacher and I wrote the following scenario, and then painted this twenty foot long mural: " A plane flies over our school, swooping low so that the kids can hit a pinata. Once struck, balloons bearing musical instruments fly out. The students capture them, and begin practicing. Finally a real marching band exits the school playing melodious tunes!"